Git Commands

checking whether the git is installed or not

\>git --version

commands for sending data in git after creating a new repository

\>git init

\>git add .

\>git commit -m "first commit"

\>git branch -M main

\>git remote add origin

\>git push -u origin main

Commands after the 1st time push:

\>git add .

\>git commit -m "image added"

\>git push

Commands for group work/teamwork

\>git branch (it will show the current branch)

\>git branch image-add (branch create)

\>git checkout image-add (switched to image-add branch from main)

Send to git

\>git add .

\>git commit -m "added Ariana"

\>git push (it will show an error)

upstream branch add

\>git push --set-upstream origin image-add

merge branch

\>git branch

\>git checkout main

\>git merge image-add

send data

\>git push

Data pull from the main branch

\>git pull

Create a new branch & get me there

\>git checkout -b add-blog

After working in the add-blog branch we need to send data to git

\>git add .

\>git commit -m "blog added"

\>git push (it will show an fatal error because upstream branch add-blog is not added)

add-blog to upstream

\>git push --set-upstream origin add-blog

merging add-blog branch to main branch

\>git checkout main

\>git merge add-blog

send data to the main branch

\>git push

The resource link for git branch commands